Rusty Lake

We are Rusty Lake:

Creators of the praised Cube Escape series and the premium point-and-click adventures Rusty Lake Hotel and award-winning Rusty Lake: Roots.

Dear visitor,

Welcome to Rusty Lake, a surreal place where anything can happen. We offer you the most mysterious game series you'll ever play.

Why not try out our praised Cube Escape series first? Let the cubes guide you the eerie and atmospheric point-and-click adventures with an "escape room" feeling. Currently we have ten Cube Escape games taking place in the Rusty Lake universe. Cube Escape: Paradox is our latest installment which is combined with a short film! Download them for ten on iOS, Android or play on Desktop.

Next to our Cube Escape series we created three premium adventure games with unique story lines taking place in Rusty Lake as well. Serve deadly dinners to five animal-headed guests in Rusty Lake Hotel, expand the bloodline of the Vanderbooms in our award-winning adventure Rusty Lake: Roots or stop the ten plagues on a small island in Rusty Lake Paradise.

On the right, you can find a list of all our games sorted by release date.

On our game portal you can play our free games but also find other adventure, room escape and puzzle games. We selected games with a fascinating story, ambiance or unique game-play made by more forward-looking developers.

Check out our blog, social media or newsletter for new updates and content.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Rusty Lake!

Read more about the studio
  • AwardIndie Prize, Best Narrative Award ‘16
  • AwardTop 10 Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘17
  • AwardPremiere Paradox - A Rusty Lake Film @ LIFF '18
  • Award"Most Inventive" App nomination Google Play Awards ‘18
  • AwardFinalist Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘20

Rusty Lake Paradise is now available!

Rusty Lake Paradise is now available!

The glorious day of The Lake has arrived – Rusty Lake Paradise is now available on:

Apple Appstore:
Google Play:

We probably lost you already…but below you can find a recap of the journey and a big thanks to all who helped us!

We always forget how much work there is in the last weeks before release. We literally spent our last weeks as cave man, finalizing the game as perfect as it can be and now it’s finally released worldwide! The last 10 months has been an incredible ride with lots of ups and downs. This is by far the most ambitious and difficult game we ever made.. it started with a small idea back in March, but it became a way bigger project than we thought. Changing the gameplay, choosing an island as environment, incorporating the ten plagues as a theme for each level, creating the overall storyline, making the connections with the family members and the protagonist, linking it with the overal Rusty Lake narrative, creating more than 100 puzzles and 50 achievements… this is just a small overview of what we have been doing and it was all a very big challenge. We couldn’t have done with the help of others. You all know we are just two guys, but luckily we had the help of other amazing artists, this week we already mentioned it..but Johan Scherft did an incredible job for Paradise, without his paintings for the plagues and island the game wouldn’t have the same feeling. The same counts for Victor Butzelaar’s soundtracks, each plague and level has its own theme, which brings the whole atmosphere of the game to another level (soundtrack will be available later today). Thymo Boog, a fellow Dutch sounddesign guy, who helped us with dozens of sounds, from a walking praying mantis to a screaming goat. And then there is Bob Rafferty, more than ever his powerful voice acting is part of the game, he made more than 200 takes for all the voices and next to this he helped with the trailers & walkthroughs. Can’t wait to share a blogpost about all the audio work soon.

We also want to thank all the 12 translators, you guys have been a great help with both translating and testing the game, these people make it possible to release our work worldwide and we are happy they just keep supporting us during last 4 games, amazing job. And of course (as cliche as it sounds) thanks to our family & friends who tested the game beforehand.

Most of all we want thank you guys for your ongoing support! We always think back to the first Cube Escape releases, when we just had 200 followers on social media and there was nothing to worry about. We never imagined the Rusty lake universe would grow so big! This is something we dreamt off starting Rusty Lake, thanks guys for staying with us!
In the end we can say we are really proud what Paradise has become!

Enjoy! It’s time!

Robin & Maarten

Ps. We really really appreciate your feedback, please leave a review in the stores.
Ps2. A lot of times we receive emails for glitches, make sure to check out the walkthrough first, if doesn’t match email us with the issue, reset the level and try again.
Ps3. Let us know if you found the 50 secret achievements!
Ps4. Soon, very soon, we will start working on a new exciting project, the plans are ready, the script is ready….

72 responses to “Rusty Lake Paradise is now available!”

  1. korusawa says:

    Love u guys soooooo much!!! Thank u for making such an awesome game!!!

  2. charlie says:

    Awesome! buying it right now, see ya in a few hours 😉

  3. Paula says:

    Oh my Gosh, yassss! I’m going to buy it as soon as I can. I LOVE ALL YOUR GAMES, THANK YOU FOR THEM, <3

  4. 吴益淳 says:

    I’ve find the secret and can I get a gift? I found the Easter Egg in the

  5. Paloma says:

    Hello! There is an issue when the grandma play the horn in the both. The app closes. (Sorry for my english) Pd: I love your games!!!! I’m very excited about this new story!

  6. says:

    I’ve find the secret and will I get a gift? I found the secret in Theatre and Cave, and fill in the form within the required time, but nobody contacted me with my e-mail. Did a so bad luck I have?

  7. Leonie says:

    Thank u guys for putting so much energy into to this game. Only one wish left : next time please do not torture us with a release date, before it’s supersuperdefinet…. *smile* Thx again for your awesome creative work.

  8. Josta de Jong says:

    When I want to start the game on windows I get an popup announcement in which is said that I need a new version of Adobe air. I have downloaded the new version, but it gives still the same pop up and it still does not not work. Is there a solution? Or otherwise can I get my money back?

  9. Bob says:

    I’m onto the second plague, frogs, on ios and when I try to proceed the game disappears. Help. Thanx.

  10. Sophie says:

    YAAAY!! Buying it right now, SO excited to play this one! Thanks for making these awesome game series!!!

  11. Sam says:

    Just finished the game. Awesome job! Now to go back and find the secrets!

  12. pydalao says:

    又通关了 下一作是什么时候?

  13. Chiara says:

    thank you guys! Awesome game i’m so so happy <3

  14. Brianna Kyla says:

    I pre ordered on iOS several days ago. I have checked the Apple App Store a few times today and each time I check the app, the same ‘preordered’ message that has always been there, is still there with no option to download. Is this an Apple issue or a rusty lake issue? Please advise, I am just really excited about playing 🙂

    Thank you!

  15. Utherrrr says:

    Can’t wait to try this new game…if I can pass my final

  16. Lorenzo says:

    Just finished to play, and now can’t wait for the next game! I really love all of your works, and I think the whole series is nothing less than a piece of art. They make me spend my nights awake, my mind full of thoughts and doubts, and my heart full of emotions. So, I sentitely want to thank you for all your games, BRAVISSIMI!

  17. Sheiw says:

    Super cool !! But the point is that I cannot download it on Google play because it says “payment denied”, with 3 different payment methods… I can buy and download other games though. Weird (got a galaxy s8)

  18. Sil says:

    What a touching speech! I couldn’t imagine the rusty lake series would grow so big when I just start to play SEASONS. At that time there were only 4 cube escape games and I never thought there would be more of them. After several months, happenly I found a forum of cube escape then I know there were much more Chinese than I thought were playing this game. Then you release 2 more games, case 23 and the mill, they are divine! From then on rusty lake became bigger and bigger. Waiting for a new releasing is just like waiting for spring festival every year for me.
    Although I am a Chinese, I would like to pay for the game once, twice, and always! I bought it on ios app store and steam for ipad and PC playing. But I really want to play it on my androids phone while shuttling. Google play is not a good choice for Chinese android un-root user, I hope someone could help you to sell your game on tencent or other Chinese game platform.
    Best wishes and looking forward to your next game!!! I hope the detective will get a good ending, please don’t kill him…

  19. KinoZ says:

    I’ve been waiting for this for sooooo long!! Great game!! Really love it! Found a few bugs tho…

    • Harvey says:

      @all thank you for your awesome comments and haring your experience.
      @KinoZ please email the bugs you have found, so we can fix the:
      @Brianna Please email us at, it’s probably a bug in the appstore, see what we can do about it.
      @Sheiw Let us know if this still issue with paying still persists.

  20. says:


  21. yang says:

    Soooooo good! Just finished the game, looking forward to the next one!

  22. Joanna says:

    Wonderful game full of psychedelic elements 🙂
    LOVE all your games!

  23. Rebecca Ai says:

    Just finished finding all the achievement! Some of them were really tricky!
    Wondering if the Paradise Island is the previous form of the Lake Hotel and what’s the relationship of these characters with those from previous games.
    Like if the mother who looked like Rose is Mr. Owl cause she was wearing the mask..
    Did the family receive enlightenment (or immortality) through the sacrifice?
    OMG. So many theories!
    Looking forward to your next game! And congratulations on Paradise’s huge success!

  24. Leo says:

    Hey guys, awesome piece of work, thank you. Long awaited and truly interesting.

    One thing – on my android it crashes in the end of the 7th plague at the attempt to pick up the cube.

    Fix it, please.

    Thank you.

  25. Tom Tomsen says:

    Awesome Art as always, of course i love it.
    There is one thing though i am really not happy with:
    The riddles were way too easy this time :(.

  26. Django says:

    Just waited for a long time,guys miss you so much.
    This one is pretty good and make me more curious about the whole story.
    I think you guys are fans of Twin Peaks just like I do,The season 3 is wonderful,isn’t it?

  27. Isabel Echevarria says:

    I couldn’t put it down like always!!! I love everything about the game. The art, the music, the story and all the new characters. I also LOVE the Easter egg achievements. Soooo When is the next game coming out? hahahahaha

  28. Liva says:

    Thank you so much for all the amazing work!
    Can’t wait to start! Couldn’t be more perfect plan for a friday evening! 😀

  29. Vi says:

    Not gonna lie, I was initially creeped out when I played The Cube, but you guys got me hooked, and I can’t get enough 😀 Thank you so much for your efforts for these games! Looking forward for more! <3

  30. Yeouido Guy says:

    Now it is 3:30 am in Korean time. I finally found all the secret documents. I want to be proud and win the contest.

  31. Miguel says:

    Good game. Puzzles could be harder but art work always excellent….

  32. MaryAnn Ryan says:

    When grandma plays the horn, my game crashes. I’m playing on iPad, iOS 9.something. My iPad is old enough where I can’t update iOS beyond this.

  33. Corbelle13 says:

    Jeu toujours aussi génial, je le recommande vivement !

  34. Qwenn says:

    I finished playing Paradise today. Just like all the other previous games you guys made, this one is incredible. I’ve got 31 achievements so far (not so bad is it?) and I’d like to go back and find more. It’s simply amazing how creative, devoted and professional you guys have been. Please, please please keep on the great work. If possible I’d love to visit Rusty Lake studio and check out how exactly you produce such high quality, fantastic indie games. <3

  35. Yolanda says:

    I’m having the same problem with the Grandma on the boat after she blows the horn.
    It kicks me out of the game on my tablet. I did turn the tablet off and then on, but the issue remains. Just wanted you to know it’s not an isolated incident. Paloma reset the level which I’ll try. Just really happy to be playing Paradise.

  36. Cicilia says:

    Like usual, this game was amazing!!! I’m in love with the whole series. I just found all 50 achievements;) Keep up the fantastic work and I’m excited to see what else you have in store!!

  37. Sapphire says:

    Oh my god oh my god oh my god. I’ve waited for this for so long!!! My brother and I LOVE your games and we’ve waited for this release for a while. Will be playing ASAP!!!

  38. Hayley says:

    Woohoo found all 50 achievements! Took my hours and hours but it was worth it in the end 😉 Can’t wait for the next game!

  39. Glaube says:

    Vielen Dank für das Spiel!

  40. the_tick says:

    For many years, you have make many spectacular games and this is one of them. Expect the story flow, this is really good game. Like Rusty Lake Hotel, story could be more sophisticated. It could be more related with Rusty Lake Roots. For my opinion, this game is more like a bonus game or you have been in story stack.

  41. Maya says:

    I see a lot of people saying the puzzles could be more difficult, but this is the first “premium” Rusty Lake Game I’ve played where I didn’t need any help from a walkthrough! I definitely got stuck a few times, but was able to come back after a while and figure it out. Great job! Thank you!

  42. Liam says:

    You guys really love David Lynch!

  43. Isadora says:

    My game is bugging

  44. Isadora says:

    In apple device, I already paid, please help me the app close

  45. Isadora says:

    I cant even play the first chapter, what I do?

  46. Vanda says:

    ** SPOILER ** ** MAYBE **

    Woke up in the middle of the night from rather disturbing dreams influenced by Paradise. Had a chilling yet satisfactory thought: Caroline = Harvey.

  47. Aldrich Ty says:

    A script if it’s a movie I’m definitely seeing it if it is is it gonna be released in the phillipines

  48. Tamir says:

    I enjoyed so much! I didn’t think i would enjoy and be addicted to a game as much as I am with this one. Can’t wait for the next game!

  49. ecom says:


    You guys have my heart

  50. Jerry says:

    What is the shovel you get from your sister for in the forth plague flies

  51. nopeImnottellingumyname says:

    I can’t get access to the page Down The Lake. Is that invalid?

  52. 祭六六 says:

    Such a good game!I hope it will never ending.

  53. Iris says:


  54. Hamed says:

    Hi …thank you rusty lake for your games I love them … The paradaise is good game in rusty lake archive … But not have strong or atractive puzzle and the senario story is week ….. I think rusty lake hotel and roots is best game in the archive

  55. Nareg Terzian says:

    I got to say that as far as escape themed games go, Rusty Lake is by far the best. I sincerely commend you on not just Paradise but the entire series you have developed. I played all of them and enjoyed every second spent seeking the cubes. Please never stop making these masterpieces.

  56. Vinícius de Carvalho says:

    What’s the next cube escape game? I’m anxious to know

  57. oranged_7 says:

    Dear Mr Owl,
    I just intoxicated with the ways you managed all the things at your finger tips, and I have witnessed all the delicated murders and I come into conclusion that I will continue keeping my eye on you for a while, I just wondering that do you have some new thrilling plans to assasin or squeeze brains into cubes recently? I would be over the moon if you could release some leads…like spoilers do.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you later.
    Mr. Dragon

  58. ali says:

    love, love, love this game and all previous ones..More please! would gladly pay for more games like this.

  59. Jorge says:

    there’s a problem getting the twig from the tree branch for the left hand of snowman. no matter how many drop of snow i drop to it, the twig just doesn’t fall off.. help please

  60. Nazk says:

    Thank you. I love your games. I need play all your games again.
    I want to buy rusty lake’s merchandise in Mexico!

  61. Christine says:

    Ive bought the cube escape paradise but i still cant dowbload it. My money has been cut though, please fix thiss…

  62. Katherine Swem says:

    The OWLS code in chapter 10 the plagues will not open the gate.

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