Rusty Lake

We are Rusty Lake:

Creators of the praised Cube Escape series and the premium point-and-click adventures Rusty Lake Hotel and award-winning Rusty Lake: Roots.

Dear visitor,

Welcome to Rusty Lake, a surreal place where anything can happen. We offer you the most mysterious game series you'll ever play.

Why not try out our praised Cube Escape series first? Let the cubes guide you the eerie and atmospheric point-and-click adventures with an "escape room" feeling. Currently we have ten Cube Escape games taking place in the Rusty Lake universe. Cube Escape: Paradox is our latest installment which is combined with a short film! Download them for ten on iOS, Android or play on Desktop.

Next to our Cube Escape series we created three premium adventure games with unique story lines taking place in Rusty Lake as well. Serve deadly dinners to five animal-headed guests in Rusty Lake Hotel, expand the bloodline of the Vanderbooms in our award-winning adventure Rusty Lake: Roots or stop the ten plagues on a small island in Rusty Lake Paradise.

On the right, you can find a list of all our games sorted by release date.

On our game portal you can play our free games but also find other adventure, room escape and puzzle games. We selected games with a fascinating story, ambiance or unique game-play made by more forward-looking developers.

Check out our blog, social media or newsletter for new updates and content.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Rusty Lake!

Read more about the studio
  • AwardIndie Prize, Best Narrative Award ‘16
  • AwardTop 10 Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘17
  • AwardPremiere Paradox - A Rusty Lake Film @ LIFF '18
  • Award"Most Inventive" App nomination Google Play Awards ‘18
  • AwardFinalist Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘20

Playtesting the new Cube Escape, Harvey Tattoo and more @ GDC 2017

Playtesting the new Cube Escape, Harvey Tattoo and more @ GDC 2017

It’s the first time we’re at GDC (Game Developer Conference) in San Francisco, it’s the biggest game industry event of the world and we’re thrilled to be here. The last weeks were quite busy with 2 other events, but this week is busier than ever with meetings, networking and playtesting the new Cube Escape. We finally got a mobile build working as you can see here below:



Next to the event we had the chance to meet Mez and Cassie in SF! Seeing her amazing Harvey (and Majora’s Mask) tattoo in real life, while Mez was working on a new tattoo, was an amazing experience. If we ever decide to get a Mr. Crow tattoo it will be by @ Tattoo Boogaloo.

Now the event is almost over, we hope to give you a date soon. Playtesting is very important so we can (hopefully) release a bug free version, also we need to do all the translations and make a cool trailer. Stay tuned!

20 responses to “Playtesting the new Cube Escape, Harvey Tattoo and more @ GDC 2017”

  1. emil says:

    i will dead by looking foward to your nice game

  2. Ella says:

    When is it going to come out? You said that it will be in the end of January-the start of February. It’s March now.

    • Harvey says:

      It’s became a bigger game then we thought and we can only release when it’s done 🙂 just stay tuned!

      • Ella says:

        Great! I love all your games, simply can’t wait for this one! I hope you would create even more amazing and mysterious games.

  3. Nadia says:

    good luck guys, and simply cannot wait!!

  4. Lizzie says:

    Exciting news! Well worth the wait. And great looking artwork!

  5. Victor says:

    Can I, in some way, get a notification in the moment the game’s released?

  6. Elaine says:

    Thank you all your communication! I almost feel as if I’m part of the planning. 🙂 I patiently await for Mr. Crow & friends.

  7. Veronica says:

    Ohhhhh I can’t wait for a new game, I love rusty lakes and the stories each game has, it’s hard to put them together and make theories!! Can’t wait

  8. Lighting Fu says:

    I’m keep waiting for it.expecting…

  9. nano says:

    cuando sale ala play store

  10. Sophs_is_ticated says:

    I can’t wait for this new game.. I know it’ll be worth it!

  11. Martin says:

    I’ve seriously been checking the play store every single day lol, I can’t wait for the new Cube Escape! Amazing tattoo btw 🙂

  12. Freend says:

    release date yeah~full of joy!

  13. hamed says:

    the cube games is very perfect in adventure games . your games have a strong story and good puzzles . thank you

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