Rusty Lake

We are Rusty Lake:

Creators of the praised Cube Escape series and the premium point-and-click adventures Rusty Lake Hotel and award-winning Rusty Lake: Roots.

Dear visitor,

Welcome to Rusty Lake, a surreal place where anything can happen. We offer you the most mysterious game series you'll ever play.

Why not try out our praised Cube Escape series first? Let the cubes guide you the eerie and atmospheric point-and-click adventures with an "escape room" feeling. Currently we have ten Cube Escape games taking place in the Rusty Lake universe. Cube Escape: Paradox is our latest installment which is combined with a short film! Download them for ten on iOS, Android or play on Desktop.

Next to our Cube Escape series we created three premium adventure games with unique story lines taking place in Rusty Lake as well. Serve deadly dinners to five animal-headed guests in Rusty Lake Hotel, expand the bloodline of the Vanderbooms in our award-winning adventure Rusty Lake: Roots or stop the ten plagues on a small island in Rusty Lake Paradise.

On the right, you can find a list of all our games sorted by release date.

On our game portal you can play our free games but also find other adventure, room escape and puzzle games. We selected games with a fascinating story, ambiance or unique game-play made by more forward-looking developers.

Check out our blog, social media or newsletter for new updates and content.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Rusty Lake!

Read more about the studio
  • AwardIndie Prize, Best Narrative Award ‘16
  • AwardTop 10 Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘17
  • AwardPremiere Paradox - A Rusty Lake Film @ LIFF '18
  • Award"Most Inventive" App nomination Google Play Awards ‘18
  • AwardFinalist Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘20

New Cube Escape is coming!

New Cube Escape is coming!

Woof! The new Cube Escape is coming..

Thanks for the support and sorry for wait guys.. there was just too many things that we wanted to add and with all the events this month it’s hard to combine. We still need some weeks to finalize the game, but then it will be done) Stay tuned!

71 responses to “New Cube Escape is coming!”

  1. Jack Rewerts says:

    I have played all of your games and loved each and everyone of them i am so excited for the next one.

  2. monkmonk says:

    I’m sure it’ll be as awesome as them all! Looking forward to the next chapter of the cube (and to getting scared half to death by one of the tormented souls!)

  3. Colleen says:

    I am so excited! Your team does such amazing work! I’m eagerly awaiting the pup.

  4. Taylor says:

    Every single game from Rusty Lake is simply amazing. Looking forward to the new game!
    And also have you heard of the movie “The Cure”? For some reason I immediately thought of Rusty Lake as soon as I saw the trailer. There’s even a scene where a guy has a reindeer/moose head. Wow.

  5. NileNiland says:

    I’m in.

  6. VampNES says:

    Dope! Can’t wait to check it out, love your stuff!

  7. VampNES says:

    Dope! Can’t wait to check it out. Love your stuff.

  8. crinohomura says:

    So our dear Dale is going to see the stories of Vanderboom?WoW.

  9. Sophs_is_ticated says:

    I’ve played all of the cube escapes, Rusty Lakes, and more! They are nothing short of amazing. Please continue making more! I know it takes a while to make but still.. 🙂

  10. Jand says:

    Almost here! And all the storyline from Roots? This is gonna be awesome!

  11. Sarah Shaw says:

    I am on tenterhooks waiting for the next Cube Escape…have loved every single one of your games – the atmosphere, the sly Twin Peaks references, the characters..its all brilliant. Love it. Keep up the fantastic work

  12. Joanne says:

    oh yes! cant wait for this! All your games are superb, im hooked 🙂

  13. sam says:

    I’ve only played a copiel but I’ looking forward to it

  14. Elise says:

    These games are amazing! I’m trying to figure out the plot, and I’ve already filled 2 notebook pages with notes! I can’t wait to unlock more of the story!

  15. DiscordantQ says:

    So excited! I played them out of order, if there is even an order, and I just finished up the last one I had yet to play. I love these games, although my fiancé gets worried about me when I sit around mumbling “Am I supposed to stab the cow with the scissors?”, and “Why is Mr. Crow holding his beak in his hand?”.

  16. Marina says:

    Ohhhhh!!!!!! I really want to play it!!! Finally, a new cube escape. I absolutely love every one of your games, I played all of them except Hotel. Roots very impressed me, the storyline is so dark and mysterious. I hope that we will find out more anwsers.

  17. shubham says:

    Waiting for another experience!

  18. Sarah Odeh says:

    Ohh my god ,, im so happy =)
    Can’t wait ????

  19. Ari says:

    Love your games.. and I am a total fan!! I hope this game will outdo all your other games >W<
    Looking forward to it! Keep it up Team Rusty Lake!!

  20. o fuk says:


  21. says:

    I can’t wait for this game!
    (As a Chinese people I just want to say:很好玩!祝cube escape游戏越来越有趣!)

  22. Alilnothinmore says:

    Love all of your work it is all spectacular!! Especially Rusty lake :Roots, it has an intriguing story line and eye catching scenery it was wonderfully put together . It also introduced a whole new cast of characters to include in the mystery rusty lake, which I found outstanding. The newest game was definitely worth the wait and i look forward to the future adventures of the rusty lake series!

  23. Shannon says:

    I hope I speak for a lot of your fans when I say take your time! The games that you put out are always of such amazing high quality and depth, I don’t want y’all to think we’re pushing you to put out a lesser product quicker. We can always go back and play the old ones. XD

    Thank you so much for your inspiration and perspiration!

  24. Cecero says:

    Can’t wait for the new cube escape! I’m a huge fan of your work! But can you please try to make the puzzles a little harder? I find that “Roots” was far easier than the other chapters.

  25. Ann says:

    Whose point of view will this one be and I hope it will add to the story thats what I love most about cube escape.

  26. Mary says:

    Thank you. Played all your games and trying to wait paiently for the next.

  27. Rustian #1 says:

    Why William Vanderbroom was naked when he drank the elixir?

  28. Esin Alp says:

    I Love All Of Your Games RL! I’m Sure All People Who Plays This Game Will Enjoy It! Thanks For All This Games And Your Hard Work!

  29. claudia says:

    I played all your games! Your games were so fantastic that I can’t wait next game.

  30. Marc says:

    Your games are absolutely great, guys. Thank you for that awesome work. Could you add a release date for the next one, please ?

  31. Claire says:

    AAAAAAHH!!!!!! I’m so ready!

  32. Suzy G. says:

    I’ve played and loved every one of your games and am really looking forward to the next one. Thank you so much for all the free cube escapes! I’m replaying them all while I wait for the new one. If taking longer means there will be more stuff, then it’s worth the wait. xoxo

  33. soph says:

    love ur content thank u so much please keep doing what ur doing !!!!

  34. AIdi says:

    Hey, I just think that you may could make a new game whose story takes place UNDER THE WATER! And maybe you can create A NEW CHARACTER, such as Mr.SHARK! …Actually, I also know that although the appearance of black shark is horrible, it may not completely suit with the style of the whole story of Rusty Lake….So this is just an idea suddenly came to me. Looking forward to your new works!
    Ps: My English is not good,hope that won’t puzzle you.

  35. Samira says:

    Thx for this amazing game
    I still repeat playing the old cubes ghahah
    I love all this games
    I will be 1st one solving the new game 🙂

  36. BENGONE says:

    Let’s play now !!!

  37. Peng says:

    Here’s the Chinese fan, lol. Loved the game. Heard about you guys from my friend, and I’ve played through all of them so far. I mean, it’s brilliant, creepy, also. Have literally became my nightmare. Well, anyway, I’m in! Can’t wait!

  38. Mr Crow's #1 Fan says:

    So hyped! I love your games.

  39. lol says:

    can’t wait plz hurry

  40. Marina says:

    Can’t wait!!! Are you going to tell the exact date? I just really really want to play it the second it comes out! Love all of your games, I hope you will continue making awesome games!

  41. Carla says:

    Yuuuuuuuuge fan.

  42. Naomi says:

    I’m Japanese.I am playing this game in Japan. I really like Cube Escape! Thank you for making a soooo nice game. I am looking forward to a new game. Cube Escape is mysterious,excite,good difficulty and beautiful. I want Cube escape to become more famous in Japan!

  43. Cathyly213 says:

    Can’t wait it!We Chinese players love your game so much~And I’m glad to hear something like” there was just too many things that we wanted to add” from you~You’ve had a hard time.Good luck~(poor English,sorry)

  44. Megan says:

    These are my all time favorite games to play. And I’m not joking when I say that I tell just about everyone I meet about these games. I must say, I am excited to see where this new game in the series goes! Thank you for producing all of the amazing Cube Escape games, looking forward to the new twists

  45. ippohappy says:

    Heeeei! What’s going on! We just want to play your beautiful game! 😉

  46. Flame says:

    faster faster faster faster faster

  47. Elaine says:

    I patiently await to release more of my memories to Mr. OWL, et al. Let’s just say I’m spoiled and the squares left cannot be filled by the round pegs of other developers.

  48. hannah says:

    thanks for putting all this work for these games we really appreciate it. keep up the good work, can’t wait!!!

  49. Zeref says:

    Can i get it now? :3

  50. Katarina says:

    Can’t wait! I’m an absolute fan of everything your Rusty Lake team does!

  51. Cebojuan says:

    Yeah, the dog still alive
    So he REALLY is immortal

  52. Steven Dwyer says:

    Happy Birthday, Dear.

  53. Meri_FF says:

    Thank you so much for all of your hard work! these games truly inspire me and i hope that you keep doing what you are doing

  54. Taylor Kim says:

    If you need to translate the game in Korean, please don’t hesitate to contact me again!

  55. Lynn says:

    Im a huge fan and can’t wait for the next one! Ahhhh so happy

  56. Binglin Du says:

    Can’t wait!!!

  57. monkmonk says:

    Any new news? We’re starving for updates!!

  58. Jand says:

    Oooh! Nice!

  59. Mr Owl says:

    Please tell us the exact date, I can’t wait for it!!

  60. 抚拉拉 says:

    So excited! Can we know the name of the next one???
    Which year will it be in this one??? Can wait!

  61. Andy Stevenson says:

    Come on, guys! Give us a hint when it’ll be out!?

  62. A big (probably not the biggest) fan of Rusty Lake says:

    It’s about time 😀
    Soon i’ll be locked in my room for another few great hours of my life :3
    Your Games are awsome!

  63. EllieIsRusty says:

    Well what’s going on?? Will it be released soon???? I’ve been patiently waiting for so long God knows how hard I’ve tried ?? I love you guys. And I know that this comment may get lost and that you’ll never see it, but I want you to know that I love you. Your mind, your way of thinking, your imagination, your constant efforts… You’re amazing!!
    Ellie from Greece!!??

  64. Annie says:

    This news has made my day!!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  65. kiran dv says:

    Pleaserelease the new seasons, i’m totally waiting for new one

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