Rusty Lake

We are Rusty Lake:

Creators of the praised Cube Escape series and the premium point-and-click adventures Rusty Lake Hotel and award-winning Rusty Lake: Roots.

Dear visitor,

Welcome to Rusty Lake, a surreal place where anything can happen. We offer you the most mysterious game series you'll ever play.

Why not try out our praised Cube Escape series first? Let the cubes guide you the eerie and atmospheric point-and-click adventures with an "escape room" feeling. Currently we have ten Cube Escape games taking place in the Rusty Lake universe. Cube Escape: Paradox is our latest installment which is combined with a short film! Download them for ten on iOS, Android or play on Desktop.

Next to our Cube Escape series we created three premium adventure games with unique story lines taking place in Rusty Lake as well. Serve deadly dinners to five animal-headed guests in Rusty Lake Hotel, expand the bloodline of the Vanderbooms in our award-winning adventure Rusty Lake: Roots or stop the ten plagues on a small island in Rusty Lake Paradise.

On the right, you can find a list of all our games sorted by release date.

On our game portal you can play our free games but also find other adventure, room escape and puzzle games. We selected games with a fascinating story, ambiance or unique game-play made by more forward-looking developers.

Check out our blog, social media or newsletter for new updates and content.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Rusty Lake!

Read more about the studio
  • AwardIndie Prize, Best Narrative Award ‘16
  • AwardTop 10 Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘17
  • AwardPremiere Paradox - A Rusty Lake Film @ LIFF '18
  • Award"Most Inventive" App nomination Google Play Awards ‘18
  • AwardFinalist Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘20

Last stages of development and a price tag for Rusty Lake: Roots

Last stages of development and a price tag for Rusty Lake: Roots


As mentioned before Roots will be a premium game again. After 2 free games: Cube Escape: Birthday and Theatre we wanted to work on a bigger project again, similar to Rusty Lake Hotel. Now 5 months later we can finally say Rusty Lake: Roots is in its last stage of development. Currently we’re doing the final polish, such as texts and gameplay improvements. Also there is still lot of testing that needs to be done…

We decided that the price tag of Rusty Lake: Roots  will be 2,99 €/$!
We know the expectations are very high for this new rusty lake game, so after all the months we put it into it we just know that it will be worth the money. Also considering the length of the game is a lot bigger than Rusty Lake Hotel. It not only contains more levels, but it also has more difficult puzzles and achievements. We think this is the right price for the product and we hope you will enjoy it a lot!

For those who ask why this game isn’t free.. please keep in mind that by going premium with Rusty Lake Hotel we have been able to work on Rusty Lake projects full time, we are a two man team and we don’t want to fill our games with ads or iaps, we just want to make awesome stuff for you guys.. And that will be a mix between free (e.g. the next Cube Escape) and premium games. By buying our premium content we can keep doing what we do and even more.

Thanks to all who keep supporting us during this (hard) development process. We’re looking forward to the launch! There is still no official date yet, since that depends on many factors.. we hope it will be in 4 weeks.

Feel free to share you thoughts 🙂

Ps. currently one of us is now in Japan for the Tokyo Game Show. Follow Rusty Lake on Instagram for a daily story!

56 responses to “Last stages of development and a price tag for Rusty Lake: Roots”

  1. Paolo says:

    Shut up and take my money! 😀
    Seriously: I’m confident you’re doing a very good job guys and I can’t wait to play Roots!

  2. Dytix says:

    I can’t wait, your games are worth every penny, don’t worry about it!
    Your games are some of the best mobile games I have ever installed imo!

  3. JS says:

    If you keep making great games, most of us are more than willing to pay for them. Really looking forward to this, keep it up!

  4. Rebecca Cardy says:

    Price is worth it! I’m always happy to support a good game developer! So excited!

  5. Dami.H. says:

    I am really pleased to hear about new series! I am a big fan of your all the rustylake games.(include Rusty Lake Hotel)
    I am surprised about that your team members are just you two guys because as a person who work in visual fine art field I think and feel your games are so great in not only excitement but also artistic things(music, sounds, story and pictures).
    So I think the price is very proper and needed to everyone who really want to enjoy your great artistic game continuously.
    I really hope to see your new game in app store soon-!

  6. Taylor says:

    Given all the great stuff and expansiveness I’ve been hearing about this one, I’m ecstatic it’s only a dollar more than hotel was! I absolutely love your games and I’m excited for an addition to the collection!

  7. Bodinho says:

    I’m amazed by your works. 3€? SERIOUSLY???
    This is incredibly cheap for something so good. Hope you guys keep this amazing job. I’m sure a lot of people like me will be happy with this game.

    Love from Brazil.

  8. Helena says:

    I can’t wait to play it, I’m happy to pay the price you have decided because I know it’s worth it, sometimes I download free games but they bore me after 10 minutes, it didn’t happen with your games!

  9. Joanna says:

    Love the series and definitely agree that the game is worth the price. Seriously can’t wait to play!

  10. Andrei says:

    Hi. Great job you’re doing. Both of you. I’ve played all your games, bought RL Hotel, and surely will by the next one. Price is not important if the quality remains as high. Good luck!

  11. D.B. Couper says:

    $2.99 is absolutely a fair price point for the joy (and fear) these games offer. I have no doubt whatsoever about the value of your premium content.

    You’ve given us so many superb free games that I almost feel like you could just focus on premium from here on out, but I do love the freebies.

  12. Ludo says:

    Pay for a good product means to respect other people’s work. I hope that the new difficult puzzles will not hinder the game progress. We love Rusty Lake’s games also for the satisfaction to finish them without walkthrough.

  13. Stefanie says:

    I think you don’t even need to give an explanation why you charge for this game. I think it is very clear that quality is never for free. Your games, the thinking behind, the graphic design, the illustrations, the eye for detail. Rusty lake is graphically and psychologically very strong and just high quality. And people will pay for this with pleasure to support you to make more games. Honestly I was even expecting a higher price and I think many others would even pay more. Keep it up! Congrats!

  14. Rebeca Ryan says:

    Hi Rusty Lake Developers!

    I just wanted to write in to let you know that I’m following your page on Facebook, eagerly awaiting updates on your next game! I read your post, and I’m more than happy to pay for the content you create… I’ve gotten hours of entertainment from both the free games you’ve created and Rusty Lake Hotel, so, to me, that’s more than worth a one-time app payment. I’m excited to see what you’ll come up with next!

    Best wishes to your team, and thanks for all you do!
    — Rebeca

  15. Ronnie says:

    Rusty Lake Hotel was the first app I’ve ever paid for, and it was well worth it. I’m definitely looking forward to Roots. I’m a huge escape room enthusiast, and your games are among the best virtual escapes.

  16. Chelsea Hedrick says:

    I love you guys! Y’all have made such amazing games! I would love to see a full set of all games, in one, as one long story line. I would pay good money for that!

  17. Zamorovski says:

    Can’t wait for the game!! Will we be able to purchase it from Steam?

  18. sara says:

    Your work worth 3 euro for sure.

  19. Colleen says:

    Don’t stress about the price! We understand and encourage your efforts! I am so amazed at this incredible work with such a small team. Blessings from Ohio, USA.

  20. Tracey says:

    There’s only 2 of you?! Wow, that’s amazing. I would pay 3x this price for a full length game of yours. Seriously, your games are well worth it. Ok I’m gonna stop being super fan girl now and act my age. 🙂

  21. Jinaya says:

    I have been following the updates for this new game for months, I cannot wait! Such a fantastic price for such a quality game!!

  22. Liva says:

    Price us totally fine and it’s great that we can support your team by buying it!
    Lots of energy and inspiration for both of you guys!
    Keep up the amazing work!

  23. Gareth Quintas says:

    Worth every penny. Keep doing what you think is best, and the fans will love it! I myself am incredibly happy about the amount of effort and time you two have put into the series! Good luck for the future, I’ll be eagerly watching the whole thing!

  24. kuiski says:

    「买买买,不买不是中国人」(A chinese joke which means I will buy it at any cost. )

  25. Heather says:

    My husband and I have both loved every Rusty Lake game on our phones and we are looking forward to Roots (and the next free Cube Escape, wink) and we never pay for any games but yours. So you’ll gladly get $2.99 from each of us. Thanks, from Denver, CO

  26. Mira says:

    Looking forward to the new game, I’m glad that I could support your work by paying!

  27. Laura says:

    I am always happy to pay for quality entertainment. Think how much we pay for movies, and games offer so many more hours of diversion. Keep being awesome, I love your games!

  28. Eben says:

    Can’t wait for the release! Such amazing work from such a small team. I am happy to pay for this and others to help keep your work growing ! Love the themes, puzzles, and artwork that goes into these. Much love and appreciation from Washington!

  29. Iga says:

    Guys, you’re doing an incredible job. I’m more than happy for spend my money on your games.

  30. Doude says:

    Guys, 2.99€ is the price for a coffee in Paris… Ok, I love coffee, but there is no ******* comparaison with the ******* amazing work of art you’re doing 😉

  31. Jenn says:

    Will there be a demo?

  32. s.Jane says:

    I love your games, and would gladly pay for them! Keep up the awesome work! 😀 looking forward to the newest release!

  33. John says:

    Looking forward to this. I have to admit that I’m worried about “more difficult puzzles and achievements” because some of those in Rusty Lake Hotel were already viciously obscure. I don’t mind challenges, but I’m worried that you might be straying into “difficult for the sake of being difficult” territory, which isn’t a good thing.

  34. Mauricio says:

    I’m so excited about it! You’ve done an amazing job so far. Greetings from Brazil!

  35. minigosweet says:

    I;m so excited for this game. Ahhhh.I adore the Rusty Lake Cube Escape series so much i kinda got my entire group of friend playing them. I’m looking forward to another great game. And to the creators THANK YOU SO MUCH

  36. CauledMon says:

    Amazing!!!! Iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuu

  37. Sev I. says:

    I’ve played all games and loved them from beginning to end. As everyone else said – your games are worth the money (seriously, you can charge even more and we’re all willed to pay for!)
    We want to support you no matter what and personal I can’t wait to play the new game.
    Thanks for everything!! Keep it up!!

  38. crinohomura says:

    The price is worth all of tour efforts.I can`t wait to paly it.
    And the fans in China are always fully prepared to find new clues in the new story.

  39. 2 dollars is equivalent to 20 yuan,not expensive

  40. myguy says:

    It’s just ok even the price is higher. Worth the money 🙂

  41. johami says:


  42. Audrey says:

    Like everyone else, I am so excited for this app to drop! As for anyone who complains about the price – a movie is $18.50 now in Los Angeles, so these apps are a steal IMO!

  43. Leo says:

    It’s been a long waiting time, can’t wait to see your new creations.
    Had been Checking on App Store so many times since August.
    Will buy it immediately after you publishing it.
    Keep it up fellows!

  44. fubs says:

    I think what you’re doing with the some free/some paid model is an excellent idea. It will allow exposure to your game that you wouldn’t have with an all-paid model. Keep up the good work!

  45. Colleen Walker says:

    Will the game be available on Steam?

  46. Alphonse says:

    shut up and take my money!See you on app store! XD

  47. shier says:

    Wonderful !! Cannot wait to play it! Rusty Lake series worth more than $2.99

  48. Glazed says:

    Thank you so much for all your effort 😀 Can’t wait longer for your new game and already charged up my Apple Store to buy it once it is out! 🙂

    Please let us know if we can help in anyway developing Rusty Lake 🙂 !

  49. YapYee Heng says:

    2.99 euros,as now I’m in Malaysia. It would converted into (13.80) Units. I never interested in paid games before, so I’d maybe just past this out, maybe watch a gameplay. Try free Demo’s, it would attract much larger users to consider expectations for the game. Hope It’ll help, Thanks RustyLake. My gaming experience wouldn’tbe the same without your ‘Cube Escape Series’, keep up the good job, I’ll be looking forward to all the new things you guys planning on. (‘~’) Fin

  50. Ivory says:

    My body and money are ready.

  51. Heather says:

    I’m dying of anticipation! I check every day to see if it’s out yet. Definitely worth paying for. I agree with many others, the price you’re asking is such a steal. I would pay even more for all your hard work. You guys do an amazing job! Can’t wait! ?

  52. Ana says:

    I’m so excited! All your work is amazing, guys.
    The price is worth it and it’s affordable, thanks for the consideration 🙂

  53. Tati says:


  54. John Smith says:

    How do you make money off of the free games?

    I would definitely pay to have an “anthology” of the free games in my steam account. I want to share them with other people without having to send them on the wild journey that is your website.

    Seriously, having people pay to “own” something you already let them use for free is a totally respectable model IMO.

  55. Josh K says:

    So excited to play Roots! I love all the Rusty Lake games and will gladly pay for this new title.

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