Rusty Lake

We are Rusty Lake:

Creators of the praised Cube Escape series and the premium point-and-click adventures Rusty Lake Hotel and award-winning Rusty Lake: Roots.

Dear visitor,

Welcome to Rusty Lake, a surreal place where anything can happen. We offer you the most mysterious game series you'll ever play.

Why not try out our praised Cube Escape series first? Let the cubes guide you the eerie and atmospheric point-and-click adventures with an "escape room" feeling. Currently we have ten Cube Escape games taking place in the Rusty Lake universe. Cube Escape: Paradox is our latest installment which is combined with a short film! Download them for ten on iOS, Android or play on Desktop.

Next to our Cube Escape series we created three premium adventure games with unique story lines taking place in Rusty Lake as well. Serve deadly dinners to five animal-headed guests in Rusty Lake Hotel, expand the bloodline of the Vanderbooms in our award-winning adventure Rusty Lake: Roots or stop the ten plagues on a small island in Rusty Lake Paradise.

On the right, you can find a list of all our games sorted by release date.

On our game portal you can play our free games but also find other adventure, room escape and puzzle games. We selected games with a fascinating story, ambiance or unique game-play made by more forward-looking developers.

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We wish you a pleasant stay in Rusty Lake!

Read more about the studio
  • AwardIndie Prize, Best Narrative Award ‘16
  • AwardTop 10 Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘17
  • AwardPremiere Paradox - A Rusty Lake Film @ LIFF '18
  • Award"Most Inventive" App nomination Google Play Awards ‘18
  • AwardFinalist Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘20

What is your favorite moment in Cube Escape?

What is your favorite moment in Cube Escape?

What is your favorite moment in Cube Escape?
We might turn a few of your suggestions into achievements for the Cube Escape Collection ⭐️

57 responses to “What is your favorite moment in Cube Escape?”

  1. Rustian #1 says:

    Lobster donkey!

  2. Ryan Zollinger says:

    I really love that submarine level in Cube Escape: The Cave, specifically the coordinate grid puzzles in it.

  3. audrey says:

    this is hard because I love them all! I really liked the theatre one, but my favorite moment was probably *SPOILER* from the cave when you go into the washing machine and change locations, I thought that part was really cool!

  4. Elia says:

    Basicly, the collection of body parts in Rusty lake roots and the tv puzzles in cube escape detective

  5. Simon says:

    The moment in Harvey’s box where you go inside the fruit into an alternate universe

  6. Arthur says:

    I really like when Dale’s grandfather starts dancing to the tune of the Lake Suite in Cube Escape: Birthday

  7. Mary says:

    Mr. Bunny, breaking into Dale’s house, with a machine gun <3

  8. iliad heydarzadeh says:

    cube escape birthday
    the moment that grandpa said “I’m ready”
    and then shot the rabbit!

  9. Connor says:

    I loved the grandma in Paradise, she had such chaotic vibes lmao

  10. Charlie Cameron says:

    I enjoyed the moment in Cave where you’re directing the fish into the pipes.

  11. Benjamin bartley says:

    Grandpa from birthday was one hip dude…the dancing and capping that rabbit! Pretty epic. Although every part of every game is great. loved the short film paradox as well. Would like to see more of those (off topic sorry)

  12. Oliveoil says:

    Roots – fates of all characters in a nutshell (cubes).
    Rusty lakes studio, you have my full support and admiration for your work. You are making games with passion and love and that is what it make the difference between you, and other trash studios. I am also great fan of D. Lynch work, that is reason why i would stick with you forever! Keep doing things as you do it now and i will support you as much as i can.
    Great fan of Rusty lake from Slovakia.
    Btw, did you like Twin Peaks ending after 25y?

  13. Elijah Abarbanel says:

    *puzzle answer and story spoilers ahead*

    I gotta be honest, I can’t stop remembering the original cross-game puzzle between “Cube Escape: the Lake” and “Cube Escape: Seasons.” I still enter the code from to safe in every 4 digit safe I come across in these games, just to see if it will come back for some obscure reason. It hasn’t but I still do it for some reason lol. It is by far my favorite moment in Cube Escape for that reason.

    But also as an honorable mention, the reframing of events in Case 23 in The White Door’s dream five easter egg. Victor Butzelaar’s piano rendition of Kevin Macleod’s “On the Ground”, the little bits of added dialogue. I know its just a call back to fill in bits of the story, but I still love it.

  14. Lusty Rake says:

    Mr. Boar’s death!!!

  15. Brea says:

    I love absolutely everything about the series, from the stellar artwork to the twisted storyline. Choosing one moment is really tough, but I’d have to go with playing The Mill, and finding out how the memories were extracted. It was just so creepy! Wonderful job on all of it, and I look forward to what you do in the future!

  16. Andrea Q Chia says:

    It was definitely the first time I got jump scared in the Cube Escape: Windmill game. First time I got hooked on the series.

  17. ellis says:

    When the pigeon pops in in Harvey’s Box, and when Laura is corrupted and grabs Harvey in the Mill

  18. El says:

    1. In Root, when Frank finally got the letter from his mother, Rose, many years later. The puzzle code Rose left for Frank in that letter turned out to be – L – O – V – E- (me: tears…)

    2. In White Door, after Ben got all his Laura-memories erased, he went out to the park again — “I was walking in the park, I saw an empty bench.” — “For a moment, I stopped.” — “A bird flew away.” — “I kept on walking.” (me: why?? why God why???)

  19. Mr. Claudius says:

    When I found the note “I’m afraid I will do something horrible” on the pinboard and I realized, what to do next to continue…

  20. Varvara says:

    My favourite is when Mr Crow came on a boat and pick up you. In case 23

  21. Marina says:

    I’m afraid that mine is not a proper reply to your specific question, but my most magical moment was when I saw The Rabbit beside the lift in the ‘rooms inside the head’ stunning puzzle in Paradox.
    It was my first Rusty Lake game and I didn’t know anything about you and your aims. At that very moment I was kidnapped inside the beginning of Inland Empire, my favourite movie ever, and I shouted “OMG! Those guys know David Lynch!” Thank you so much for an overwhelming emotion!
    Afterward I played all your games, loving each single one, and I DO look forward to the next…
    P.s.: I love Harvey!

  22. Chris Bailes says:

    I’ve always loved any of the few instances of catching the Fish in a mousetrap. Its just so surreal, but somehow it still fits.

  23. Elaine says:

    I can’t pick just one!

    I loved, loved, loved making the elevator service bat hiss in Rusty Lake Hotel. I’d make him hiss and he’d make me laugh -then I’d do it again!

    I liked finding the paper coasters Easter egg in Theater.

    The music in Birthday and grandpa rocking out.

    Finding the key in the turd in Birthday

    The wildest was when I realized the guests were the entrees in Hotel.

    • Elaine says:

      I have to add one more thing, the music in that pigeon room in Hotel. I wouldn’t want to finish it because I loved that creepy music. It was perfect

  24. Rolf says:

    Whenever reality or normality starts losing it’s everyday feel, and you find yourself slowly derailing into another dimension where logic isn’t necessary and all I need is my intuition and wit. So, basically all over the place in the games. Love them.

  25. Mahadi says:

    My favorite moment (Rusty Lake: Roots):
    As the Vanderboom brothers’ surreptitious research on Earth, water, and fire finally reaches the consummation that they both sought for, the elixir of life, William pours it on the glass while Aldous holds, Aldous looks up in the eyes of William, and murmurs,
    “You drink first, brother.”
    William collapses on the floor as soon as he drinks the elixir, he crumbles like a fetus. Aldous leans toward his dying brother, and says, “Don’t worry, we are always here in our past and future lives.”

  26. Yodum says:

    All of Birthday, every single sound effect, and the starred puzzles in Hotel.
    Muchos gracias 🙂

  27. Ana Girl says:

    Hmmm bro i think it can be the horror part on The Mill

  28. Irine says:

    Agree with people here who liked submarine in “CAVE”. It was amazing journey, like in Custo’s movies.

    Another thing is time switching in “Seasons”. It is always cool to see how changes in past affect on future. And, well, I still miss the times then Cube had ceiling and floor.

    Really love your music. You should think about releasing an album with all of your ingame soundtracks.

    Ah! Making coffee in “Case23” was … cute?) Such common thing, but…) Oh, and the cocktails in “Theater”, Blood Mary))

    Thanks for your amazing work (and sorry for my English).

  29. Moses says:

    Case 23 part 4 was the best. On top of a good mystery (and the beloved sliding puzzle), I just loved the thrill of a time-tight level. The creepiness was next level and it was fun completing that part faster and faster!

  30. Kai Lubbe says:

    when the science-y guy tries his potion of life on the dog to make sure it’s not poisonous, only to find out that despite the dog being fine, it’s apparently poisonous to humans. he dies. great moment. 🙂

  31. João Pedro says:

    I really like the scene where Dave is in the elevator with all his memories

  32. Lennie Todd says:

    The bit in Birthday where you draw the shape of the tree on the window and then get a Mr.Rabbit jumpscare. I think it just sums up the mood of the game. It’s not super boring and bland, like those escape/puzzle games where nothing ever happens, but it’s also not a tactless gore-fest like the more horror-y puzzlers. It’s the perfect mixture of great design, cool music, and the occasional scare to keep you nervous. Damn I love these games

  33. Hafsah says:

    Ooh, tough question. I absolutely love Birthday, but my favourite moments came from Paradox. Just being trapped in the room, slowly losing your mind whilst solving those puzzles is an amazing experience. Not played the blue vial ending yet, but the green one completely took me off guard.

  34. Maia says:

    Oh it’s so hard to pick just one
    Here’s a couple
    -entering body through nipple (as one does)
    -frog. Pants. Questionable physics. Need I say more?
    -Mr Boar sandwich and sound effect when in bathroom (my sister while playing, found out that that farting sound effect played, looked me dead in the eyes, and just began tapping rapidly)
    -boom, haha

  35. EB says:

    When I first opened the clock in Cube Escape: Seasons and found out “I” was the murderer.
    Or when I found out it’s Harvey who collects meat for dinner in Hotel.
    And I also love the Vanderboom family band.

  36. Kay says:

    What can I say? So many many favourite moments. Paradise has great scenes featuring Grandma, and I like the locusts in the mist. Misty moments in these games are atmospheric, and I just love the deer! In fact, all the animals, in all the games, are magical and make for creative, surreally wonderful moments.

  37. Melissa says:

    There are waaay too many to choose but there’s one that still haunts me in the best way possible: Making Mr. Boar a poop sandwich in Rusty Lake Hotel! I was both delighted and disgusted! Can’t quite remember fighting back a gag reflex while solving a puzzle! Only you, Rusty Lake, only you..

  38. chris says:

    all of birthday party <3

  39. Francyellen says:

    I really love Cube escape: birthday.
    The story of this episode and the soundtrack are amazing. ♥️

  40. Eduardo Neves says:

    The moment when the player open the closet in Cube Escape: Seasons

  41. Jacqui Crane says:

    I love the end of The Lake, when the elevator is just closing. Creepy!
    Also, more generally, the way that The Mill and Seasons intertwine.

  42. Do says:

    Rusty Lake Hotel.
    I can’t forget the joy of knowing the game for the first time.

  43. Draco says:

    Well honestly, i have been into Rusty lake since i started in middle school, and i have loved all the games, but my favorite? i honestly must say that there are two points

    1. “The Golden Cube”
    -while nearing the end of the Cube escape Cave, i had to use the: white, Black, and Blue cubes to form the Golden one, why i love it? because it made me wonder what it meant, what its for, and how it will show up in the story again. Can’t wait to see it again in a different one!~

    2: “The Cubes…”
    -I have no specific part i love, but my favorite parts are when the cubes are around, they make me stop and think about why it was hidden away by what puzzle i solve to get it, and that i love it when there are multiple kinds, White, black, blue, and Gold. we need more clues and more Cube moments :3.

  44. Kiana Gencono says:

    I love the idea of Cube Escape: Seasons *spoils* where you have to go back to the past to change the future. fir me, that was genius! Im looking forward for more adventures in Rusty Lakes. Not just the best game for me but also I love the story!

  45. Excoffon Daniela says:

    ROOTS contains all the elements I prefer. It’s due to the history and to the atmosphere you created in it.
    For instance the dance Rose + Frank, or the chapter “communication” with the little Rose.
    PARADOX is perfect too, with too many good items, I can’t choose…
    It’s the global mood which is successfull.

  46. I LOVE all of the mini-games. It’s impossible to pick just one. There will be blood!

  47. Elis says:

    I loved when Van Gogh cuts off his own ear in Arles, but, above all, I love all influence of surrealist paintings of Magritte in the game art. There are so many Magritte elements in the storyline! Perhaps you should do a direct and proper tribute to him in a future game, like you did with Van Gogh in Arles.

  48. Stephanie says:

    Going into the dead dude’s nipple to get his heart.

  49. Arameh says:

    my favorite part was When Bob brought back color to his life…

  50. Leon Ingleright says:

    I know I’m late replying, and it looks like you’ve already put in some of the new achievements (which is awesome!), but I’ll throw in my favorite(s) anyway. I agree with many other folks here; there are too many great moments to pick just one favorite, but here are a few that really stood out to me:

    1) Realizing (to my abject horror) what I needed to do to get the last paper piece in the “Fall, 1971” segment of “Seasons”; I remember thinking, “Wow, they really aren’t messing around…”
    2) Finally solving that damned domino puzzle in “Harvey’s Box”. (P.S. My stomach dropped the first time I saw the domino puzzle in “The White Door”, but thankfully it wasn’t nearly as cruel.)
    3) When I first really started noticing the preponderance of “poo-handling” required to solve many of the puzzles throughout the series.
    4) **SPOILER** My first run in part 4 of “Case 23”–specifically, the panic that set in the moment I realized it was timed.
    5) **SPOILER** Scariest “jump” moment (for me): At the end of the “moving Laura’s faces around” puzzle in Chapter 1 of “Paradox”. (P.S. Second scariest was the shark in “The Cave”.)

    And one honorable mention: Every time Mr. Crow said “You know what to do.”

  51. Pamela says:

    OK so I have a vague memory of the character running from that guy with deer antlers and you need to be really fast or he going to catch you, then you go down in a lift or something. I’m not really sure from what game is that but I’m pretty sure it’s from rusty lake (I thought it was from ‘the lake’ but it didn’t) 🙁

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