Rusty Lake

We are Rusty Lake:

Creators of the praised Cube Escape series and the premium point-and-click adventures Rusty Lake Hotel and award-winning Rusty Lake: Roots.

Dear visitor,

Welcome to Rusty Lake, a surreal place where anything can happen. We offer you the most mysterious game series you'll ever play.

Why not try out our praised Cube Escape series first? Let the cubes guide you the eerie and atmospheric point-and-click adventures with an "escape room" feeling. Currently we have ten Cube Escape games taking place in the Rusty Lake universe. Cube Escape: Paradox is our latest installment which is combined with a short film! Download them for ten on iOS, Android or play on Desktop.

Next to our Cube Escape series we created three premium adventure games with unique story lines taking place in Rusty Lake as well. Serve deadly dinners to five animal-headed guests in Rusty Lake Hotel, expand the bloodline of the Vanderbooms in our award-winning adventure Rusty Lake: Roots or stop the ten plagues on a small island in Rusty Lake Paradise.

On the right, you can find a list of all our games sorted by release date.

On our game portal you can play our free games but also find other adventure, room escape and puzzle games. We selected games with a fascinating story, ambiance or unique game-play made by more forward-looking developers.

Check out our blog, social media or newsletter for new updates and content.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Rusty Lake!

Read more about the studio
  • AwardIndie Prize, Best Narrative Award ‘16
  • AwardTop 10 Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘17
  • AwardPremiere Paradox - A Rusty Lake Film @ LIFF '18
  • Award"Most Inventive" App nomination Google Play Awards ‘18
  • AwardFinalist Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘20

Rusty Lake Paradise Release Date

Rusty Lake Paradise Release Date

These men can finally answer your biggest question… Rusty Lake Paradise will be released on iOS, Android, Steam and on January 11th 2018 and will cost 3 €/$ (taxes can differ)! Of course we announce this news with mixed feelings; the game would have been perfect for Christmas… in Summer we already hoped for a release in November, but the development process just took longer then expected. Designing a new, bigger narrative with new characters takes a lot of time for us two and with every Rusty Lake premium game that we make, we seem to make it bigger, better and more attractive for you guys.

The good news is that we are becoming very proud of what the game has become since the initial idea back in February this year. Last month the game is finally coming together and we still need every day of the 31 days left to finalize the game with: voice overs, sounddesign, texts, translations and lots of bug testing.
Happy we can provide a clear date now and we just hope you will be excited and supportive as you have been throughout the whole development process. It really kept us motivated (and still is)!!

And if you think Rusty Lake will stop after this? There is also a lot happening in the background next to Paradise, not only a new Cube Escape but also a very UNIQUE project that gets more shape every week… It will be something completely new for Rusty Lake and has never been done before in gaming. Guess we owe you guys a first teaser of this project during Christmas. Stay tuned and thanks for your patience… Paradise awaits you.

Robin & Maarten

Ps. is your best friend

85 responses to “Rusty Lake Paradise Release Date”

  1. Steven.Tony says:

    Ohh yes! Finally! I’ve been waiting for so long!
    Thank you Rusty lake for you awesome game series!
    I don’t know that I love more, the beautiful yet easy art or the unique story. Or maybe the mystery music which ironically helps me to relax 🙂
    You rock!

    *insert fangirls scream here*

  2. Diogo says:

    Dear Santa, due to my country location I can’t have the chance to win the ????. But I will not be shaken up as the guy up here says : *insert fangirls scream here*
    The game surely will be one of the best and i will buy it xD

  3. Lee Hanna says:

    It’s always worth the waiting 😉
    I’ll just make sure to mark my calendar for 11th Jan.

    Merry Xmas guys!

  4. Leon LHeureux says:

    If you wanna finish it up and release it sooner…..I, for one, wouldn’t mind one bit!

  5. Amnase says:

    Yes, FINALLY!!

  6. CHAOSMS says:


  7. Edna says:

    Finally ! I’m so hyped right now haha 😀 The Rusty LAke games are simply one of my favorites. Besides Edna and Harvey the breakout, they’re my favorite point and click games !

  8. Elizabeth says:

    So… you’re saying that…. it’s not FREE???

    • Jean says:

      I think truly worth it. Come on.. 3$ is so cheap for this achivement and effort.

    • Cedric says:

      “Ho my god !!! 3$, it will really ruin you !!!” 🙁

    • Ana says:

      Well, like Roots and Hotel, too. It’s worth a lot more. 3$/€ is nothing.

    • Sky says:

      Well yeah, of course it isn’t free!
      Do you honestly expect this game to be one you could just click on a webpage and instantly play it?
      Samsara** through The Cave (Excluding Roots and Hotel) are the free playable ones. Hotel, Roots, and now Paradise are the Premium games.
      AKA: If you want more of the story, you will have to pay for it
      Honestly I love that it will be $3, I already have Hotel, planning on getting Roots for Christmas even if I have to buy it myself..and then I’m hoping to win Paradise for my birthday, if not I can always buy it! I cant wait for the 11th!

      **(No Seasons nor The Lake were the actual first Rusty Lake games UNLESS you want to consider it wasn’t dubbed as part of Cube Escape or Rusty Lake at the time. It did however have the same idea as these games. The Cubes (Ooo that would make a cool Cube escape title! xD) finding them and escaping from them)

      As always “The past is never dead, it’s not even the past”

  9. Panos says:

    Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Rosa Morales says:

    I am so excited for a date!! You guys make the best games! Thank you!!!!

  11. Cedric says:

    I’m so happy Paradise will be soon available.
    spoiler below 😉
    Finding the secret page, I haven’t filled the form to win my postcard, because I want to buy the game.
    That will be “my” gift to thank you bringing us these excellent games.

  12. Kwon hyo won says:

    God…. i’m so excited!!!!!!!!!

  13. DUSTYLAKE says:


  14. Celeste says:

    Omg when i opened the Rusty Lake blog i was thinking “if they uploaded the date of release today, i’m going to cry of the emotion” :’D
    I really love all the cube escape series and I discovered the “escape room” games thanks to you (I want to try the real life “escape room” games, so if your new proyect is something like this i will go wherever i have to go to take part of it)

  15. Tobla says:


  16. Carize says:

    I am so JAZZED for Jan 11th!!

  17. roths says:

    omg, this made my day. best news ever

  18. day says:

    you’re the best! best news and THE reason to survive exam season !!!

  19. christy meaux says:

    Hell Yeah! I can wait, I love these games! You guys are inspiring!

  20. Rima says:

    Wow Wow Wow!!!!!! I am really very excited!!!!

    Thank you guys for the best quality work that you do. I am not a game addict, but since I discovered Rusty Lake games I have acquired an addiction to it 😀 😀 😀 Cube Escape is the best game I have played by far, because everything is excellent here, from the music and sound effects to the plot. It is obvious that every creator of the game does his/her best to make this game excellent and enjoyable.

    Looking forward for playing this game, and I will pay 3$ without hesitating, because I really want to support you for the future creations.

    Thank you guys!!!! :)))

  21. Freend says:

    Soooooo excited and happy to hear this information! Thank you,RustyLake!(○’ω’○)超期待?

  22. Sky says:

    Im really excited for this, im planning on getting it for my birthday (Which is that day and i also get paid that day so double points! I can finally get all the Premium Rusty Lake games on my PC!)

  23. Edita says:

    Yay, excellent! Looking forward to it!

  24. orrb01 says:


  25. TSIXETON says:


  26. ayu says:


  27. 徐燕 says:

    You guys release the game in my tests week?I guess i have to do my best to control myself for not playing it…but i can have a great vacation with Paradise???

  28. Max says:

    Your games are pearls among others.

  29. Really tiny cost! Please up cost into 8 dollar!

  30. Really tiny cost! Please up cost into 8 dollar!

  31. Ynes says:

    Thank you for the hard work you have concentrated on, and thank you for bringing us the best game I have ever had. It is so fascinating! I have been waiting for it so long!

  32. Lauren S says:

    ^ bad advice.

  33. Ada says:

    My new year present?

  34. erdy says:

    Finnaly ??

  35. Cathyly213 says:

    Interesting vidoe

  36. S.Ma says:

    Great news! Love all the cube escape games. Quirky and fun. The soundtracks were mesmerising. True class. Have been checking App Store for updates since October, but wouldn’t mind if I had to wait another five months. We expect great things from you.

    Can’t wait.

  37. 土星上的小老鼠 says:


  38. Bob says:

    Can’t wait!

  39. Lindsey says:

    Take the time to do it right- can’t wait to play the new installment!

  40. Lindsey says:

    PS I entered because I want the postcard as a collectible but if I get it I plan on giving it away to a gaming group I mod so someone who doesn’t already love your games can give it a try and buy it myself!

  41. 加帕里配种员 says:

    Where will Android ver released? Will released in tap tap? We Chinese can’t use Google , YOU know…. we want support you,安卓版是只有谷歌play吗?会不会在taptap平台发布?毕竟,中国大陆不能用谷歌play..但我又想支持正版

  42. 天呐,等不及了

  43. July says:


  44. 媛啊圆 says:


  45. Yoda says:

    Thank you for my birthday present?

  46. Shazi says:

    I found a secret Rusty Lake Christmas Card. What do I do next?

  47. Luana Bento says:

    Hey, aren’t you guys showing who are the winners of the “secret christmas present”? I’m curious and anxious for it!

  48. Marley Strasser says:

    FINALLY!!!!!!!! I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!

  49. ClinLT says:

    YES ! thank you !

  50. Jerry says:


  51. Karen Turlay says:

    Awesome news! Something to look forward to

  52. Karen Turlay says:

    Awesome news! Something to look forward to!!

  53. 来自中国的小迷妹 says:


  54. Rusty fan says:

    Please allow fo additional payment if player desires. $3 for anyone in the US is Too low for the quality you produce. I would have paid $20 for roots.

  55. zengdou says:

    愿rusty lake越做越好?

  56. Sunny says:

    Great! I’ve been waiting so long for the new game! I can’t wait to know the next story! You worth it

  57. Cesar says:

    I can’t wait anymore!!!

  58. 曦之旸 says:


  59. eCube says:

    Finalmente! ??? Happy New Cube!

  60. Harvey's comb says:

    Gah I can’t wait! I can’t believe how far this series has come, I remember playing the first one years ago. Will there be more cube escapes coming too? Loved the cave. Own the paid games too and going to purchase this one for sure already, roots was awesome and well worth it.

  61. Deb says:

    Wooo! Can’t wait! Thanks for the amazing games. I love the entire series. Roll on Jan 11 🙂 Happy New Year to everyone! ♡♡

  62. Miel says:

    Oh boy, another cube escape. YYYYAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!
    By this teaser I think I figured out how to play this part of the game.

  63. thatha says:

    I’ve been saving my money to be able to buy this game haha ​​I’m really really looking forward to being able to play, Rusty Lake is definitely my favorite game in the whole world and I wish more people would know this wonder. Congratulations to all involved and thank you too, I can’t wait for the launch.

  64. Yabs says:

    Yaaaas! Just finished Roots- so excited for a new game!!

  65. 迪路吧噠 says:


  66. Pietro Volpi says:

    Can’t wait 1 week!!!!

  67. Miche says:

    Oh… merci !!! J’ai tellement hâte d’avoir ce nouveau jeu ! J’adore tous les précédents !

  68. ㅇㅇ says:

    이게 더 비싸다고 할지라도 난 상관안해 30만원이라도 살꺼야

  69. 幺蛾子 says:

    waaaaaahhh i caaaannnt waaaiiiittt等了好久好久好久啊,终于!措手期待!

  70. says:

    워후!!!!진짜 11일만 기다렸습니다ㅠㅠ

  71. 加帕里配种员 says:


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