Rusty Lake

We are Rusty Lake:

Creators of the praised Cube Escape series and the premium point-and-click adventures Rusty Lake Hotel and award-winning Rusty Lake: Roots.

Dear visitor,

Welcome to Rusty Lake, a surreal place where anything can happen. We offer you the most mysterious game series you'll ever play.

Why not try out our praised Cube Escape series first? Let the cubes guide you the eerie and atmospheric point-and-click adventures with an "escape room" feeling. Currently we have ten Cube Escape games taking place in the Rusty Lake universe. Cube Escape: Paradox is our latest installment which is combined with a short film! Download them for ten on iOS, Android or play on Desktop.

Next to our Cube Escape series we created three premium adventure games with unique story lines taking place in Rusty Lake as well. Serve deadly dinners to five animal-headed guests in Rusty Lake Hotel, expand the bloodline of the Vanderbooms in our award-winning adventure Rusty Lake: Roots or stop the ten plagues on a small island in Rusty Lake Paradise.

On the right, you can find a list of all our games sorted by release date.

On our game portal you can play our free games but also find other adventure, room escape and puzzle games. We selected games with a fascinating story, ambiance or unique game-play made by more forward-looking developers.

Check out our blog, social media or newsletter for new updates and content.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Rusty Lake!

Read more about the studio
  • AwardIndie Prize, Best Narrative Award ‘16
  • AwardTop 10 Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘17
  • AwardPremiere Paradox - A Rusty Lake Film @ LIFF '18
  • Award"Most Inventive" App nomination Google Play Awards ‘18
  • AwardFinalist Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘20

The fog is lifting!

The fog is lifting!

Soon more info about Rusty Lake Paradise! Stay tuned 🙂

21 responses to “The fog is lifting!”

  1. Spyaang says:

    I’m getting a very “You Know What To Do” vibe from this foggy forest scene. I’m looking forward to playing this!

  2. Jamie says:

    Omg please feed us the new game!!!

  3. lushi says:


  4. Alexandra says:

    New part? More Rusty lake? I can’t believe *0*. When? And how long will be this part? I can’t stop playing your games, guys. I have been already played “Theatre” 9 times. I like Rusty lake games. There’s a mysterious atmosphere. Locations, heroes, music.. Everything’s perfect! I always want more answers on my questions. What’s mr.Owl and mr. Crowl’s story? They are brothers and they discovered an elixir of life and death. But how? And what about detective Vandermeer? Has his play in the story ended? I am your big fan, guys! I like part “Roots” the most because of the levels’ quantity .
    “The past is never dead. It’s not even past” x.x

  5. says:

    I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥

  6. Billie says:

    OH IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!! I taking a day off work when this comes out

  7. Lauren says:

    YAYY!! So excited! My husband and I have a contest to see who can finish first. We love your games! 🙂

  8. void lisa says:

    my gosh! please give us game!

  9. 锈湖铁粉 says:

    plz support new game!

  10. Carl says:

    I just quit my job in preparation for this new game.

  11. Arvina says:

    Was waiting for so long!! Yes pleaseeeee!!!!

  12. Shreyasis says:

    OMG cant wait!!!
    This eerie feeling is too much
    …..hoping to rejoice after the game is released(plss give a hint on which month it will blow off our minds)

  13. 芥末 says:


  14. Judah says:

    I love those games
    Bring it on!!

  15. PAtricia says:

    I have been waiting for it for so long!!!!!!!SO EXCITING!!!!!!

  16. says:

    “The past is never dead. It’s not even past”

  17. Fg says:

    Your games are just so amazing that I can’t help playing them over and over again!
    Hoping for more!

  18. BIUBIUBIU says:

    when exactly!!!!!take my money and just give me the new Game!!!!

  19. Jenny says:

    Love you guys and your games so freaking much!!! But last time you said soon it was over a month later!!! You should let us know in like a week or 2.. as you can tell I’m literally dying to play your new game!!!

  20. ANDREY says:

    We are waiting very long time.

  21. Lisaaa says:

    I can’t wait ??

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