Rusty Lake

We are Rusty Lake:

Creators of the praised Cube Escape series and the premium point-and-click adventures Rusty Lake Hotel and award-winning Rusty Lake: Roots.

Dear visitor,

Welcome to Rusty Lake, a surreal place where anything can happen. We offer you the most mysterious game series you'll ever play.

Why not try out our praised Cube Escape series first? Let the cubes guide you the eerie and atmospheric point-and-click adventures with an "escape room" feeling. Currently we have ten Cube Escape games taking place in the Rusty Lake universe. Cube Escape: Paradox is our latest installment which is combined with a short film! Download them for ten on iOS, Android or play on Desktop.

Next to our Cube Escape series we created three premium adventure games with unique story lines taking place in Rusty Lake as well. Serve deadly dinners to five animal-headed guests in Rusty Lake Hotel, expand the bloodline of the Vanderbooms in our award-winning adventure Rusty Lake: Roots or stop the ten plagues on a small island in Rusty Lake Paradise.

On the right, you can find a list of all our games sorted by release date.

On our game portal you can play our free games but also find other adventure, room escape and puzzle games. We selected games with a fascinating story, ambiance or unique game-play made by more forward-looking developers.

Check out our blog, social media or newsletter for new updates and content.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Rusty Lake!

Read more about the studio
  • AwardIndie Prize, Best Narrative Award ‘16
  • AwardTop 10 Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘17
  • AwardPremiere Paradox - A Rusty Lake Film @ LIFF '18
  • Award"Most Inventive" App nomination Google Play Awards ‘18
  • AwardFinalist Google Play Indie Games Contest ‘20

3 Years Anniversary of Rusty Lake Hotel

3 Years Anniversary of Rusty Lake Hotel

We are celebrating the 3 Years Anniversary of Rusty Lake Hotel! Let us know which room and character you liked most and we will randomly giveaway one Hotel Voucher of 200$!

Mr. Owl can’t wait for a new booking 🙂

60 responses to “3 Years Anniversary of Rusty Lake Hotel”

  1. Angelia says:

    Happy birthday Rusty Lake Hotel! I found this game on a Chinese website, and it is very popular. The room escaping is not as scaring as others, but mystic and interesting. I like Mr. Owl the best. He appears almost in every game and plays an important role. I wish I will be able to play more Rusty Lake room escaping games. The series is wonderful.

  2. Tarna says:

    My favorite room is Mr. Rabbit’s room but my favorite character is Ms. Pheasant.

  3. Rebecca says:

    My favorite one by far is the Mr. Rabbit, he had one of the best room puzzles, and killing him was kinda fun

  4. MEREDITH says:

    By far my favorite room is the theater and MR. OWL. Congrats on Three Years!

  5. Andy says:

    I’ve not played the game, so I’m going to Guess the Vole is my favorite. Sorry, The Honorable Vole.
    and my favorite room? That’s more difficult, but I’m going to say the Boathouse.

  6. Mark Detira says:

    Personally, I liked the Detective in the Paradox room!

  7. Maia says:

    I love all characters because of their designs and distinct way of being but I always loved the Rabbit a lil bit more than the others because of his creepy eyes and his magic tricks. Happy 3 years Rusty Lake

  8. Deniz says:

    Mr. Boar // Room II

  9. Maia says:

    As for the room I loved the pheasan’s room. I thought the photo riddles were really fun and innovative. I loved the rabbit one too because of the magic trick and the overall creepiness of it

  10. Rozentine says:

    I thought Ms Pheasant’s room told a very interesting story, enjoyed it thoroughly 🙂

  11. Josh Reynolds says:

    Happy 3 Year Anniversary for Rusty Lake Hotel! How time flies… my favorite room was Mrs. Pigeon’s room, it was quite shocking, 😉 and you got to free the little bird! My favorite character is Mr. Rabbit and his many tricks. 🙂

  12. Kevin Zhao says:

    Spent almost 3 days to play the game series!^_^
    Like you guys so much!
    Look forward to playing next game!
    Btw. Mr Boar is my favorite character.

  13. JH.Lee says:

    i love theater! and i like dale..

  14. pydalao says:


  15. Jason Marenvery says:

    I definitely liked Mr.Rabbits room the most. It included the mysterious twin, the multiple magic tricks, and overall the most mind-warping puzzles, which of course made it the best!! Added a great story line to Birthday and the overall plot of hotel. You guys make the best games ever!!! Plz make a new one as soon as possible!

  16. Derin says:

    I really liked Mrs. Pheasant and Mr. Rabbit. But i gotta admit, i love Mr. Owl. He seems like the most interesting one!

  17. Shannon says:

    I mean, how can you beat a room where you get to see Mr. Boar poop, and then kill him?!

  18. Cara says:

    Happy Birthday Rusty Lake Hotel! I randomly found your game series 2 years ago in the Google play store and I loved it from the first second. The first game I’ve played was theater and it’s also my favorite one as well as birthday. In rusty lake hotel my favourite room was Mr. Rabbits and he is also my favorite character. I already played every game and I’m looking forward to more games from you.

  19. Cristina says:

    Oh my God, I like the story and every game you have created! I didn’t ever enjoy a game like this and I wanna thank you for this. Happy Bday and happy new games! From Rusty Lake Hotel I like the most Mrs. Pigeon and her room, and the lilac face in the elevator was the funniest thing. Me and my sister we have enjoyed the last game, paradox, and we can’t wait for the next game!

  20. Yuki says:

    Happy 3 Years Anniversary, Rusty Lake! I love all the games that you have created! I played them all and Rusty Lake Hotel is my favorite game. I really liked Mr. Deer’s room and my favorite character from the game is Mr. Crow.

  21. plata says:

    i love dale and i love birthday!
    Look forward to playing next game!

  22. SiD An Cat says:

    Happy Birthday Rusty Lake!
    I have had a blast and yes, I am addicted – anticipating each new chapter just like a tv series…

    I started with your most recent game, Paradox. Talk about jumping in at the deep end! And now I have to go back and do all the previous ones. (Just finished Rusty Lake hotel.)

    Winderful work! Great fun! Can I also add that I LOVE the voice of the narrator in Paradox? Perfect for the tone of the episode! Would like to hear it again!

  23. Luma says:

    I love the game Paradox and I really like Mr. Owl! Congratulations Rusty Lake Hotel o/

  24. Liz says:

    Happy (belated) birthday! I really enjoyed Ms. Pheasant’s character and room. Though the Bat Bellhop also gets an honorable mention from me.

  25. Lenore says:

    Mr bat fave character. Mr rabbit fave room. I liked the room and the magician feel.

  26. JH.Lee says:

    I was mistaken 🙁 . I like mr.rabbits room the best, and like mr.crow.

  27. Guillermo R. says:

    I like room 1 with the Deer 🙂

  28. Nygel says:

    Cant get enough of Rusty Lake!
    I quite liked the transformation elements of Mr. Rabbit, especially because he seems so kooky in his animal form and yet so creepy as his corrupted form. (Rabbit = fave character). That being said, my favorite room from Rusty Lake Hotel is Mrs. Pigeon, because of the blueberries! The blueberries were the only secret ingredient I couldn’t find, so I looked it up. Having to shock the baby bird so many times to find the berries means that in order to be successful in the Hotel, you have to be a bit sadistic!! Bravo.

  29. Enid says:

    I’ve never booked a stay at Rusty Lake hotel. I really don’t know which one I would like best. I’ll have to check out the amenities and get back to you. Looks swell.

  30. Gert says:

    I played Hotel for the first time this year when i bought all the games, and it has to be my favorite of the earlier games. My favorite room is probably Mrs. Pigeon, but Mr. Rabbit was def my favorite character

  31. Chayna says:

    Truley the best game ever!! I love leaving reality to go visit rusty lake.. I have finished almost every game!! My favorite room was mr. Boar and mr. Rabbit.. But i liked how mr. Boar kept taking dumps!! Lol.. Love this game please make anothee soon so i dont get board!!

  32. 鹿XP says:

    Happy birthday! My favourite room is Ms.P easant’s room,and I love Leonard best among all the games.??

  33. Marco says:

    Happy anniversary! Already 3 years? Damn …
    anyway, my favourite room in R.L Hotel was Mr.Deer’s room .
    I enjoy to play your games, keep up the good work … something i would to see is taking Mr.Bat as a major caracter in the next episodes, i like that caracter.

  34. or says:

    happy 3rd birth day rusty lake hotel.
    for the room and character i will go with Mrs. pigeon’s room it was the most fun for me to do
    as character i would have to go with harvey, she is one of your best characters and overall my second favorite character.

  35. Lidia says:

    Feliz tercer aniversario! Me fascinan todos los personajes y la trama es genial. Voto por la habitación 3/Faisán 😉

  36. CHAOSMD says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! I love Mr.OWL’s room so much,because there are lots of secrts can not be told.When I came in , I felt excited and strange. The room not only means the end of the game but the outset of the huge storyline that will coming . RUSTY LAKE attrects me so much !!!

  37. allthatyoutouchyouchange says:

    I love rabbit room and my favourite character is Mr Crow

  38. allthatyoutouchyouchange says:

    Good luck Rusty Lake, your games are very good! P.S Sorry, my grammar can be bad(

  39. Olga says:

    Happy Birthday!:) My favorite character is Mr.Rabbit. I also like him in Cube Escape: Birthday and Rusty Lake Paradox. <3 And my favorite room is Mr. Boar`s room, because I like moment, when Mr.Crow come, give knife and say "You know what to do" 🙂

  40. Aline says:

    Happy Birthday, Rusty Lake! I’m glad to be a part of the development, for I’ve started playing the Cube escape series 3 years ago. My favorite room was Mrs. Pheasant’s! But my favorite character will always be Mr Crow. Your games are my favorites and I’m looking forward to the ones that will be coming, hopefully soon. Love you all!

  41. Jo says:

    Wow, has it been three years already?? Incredible! Ms. Pigeon’s room was my favorite. Her secret ingredient was the hardest for me to find. As much as I love these recurring character, I think my favorites were the one-off employees, the Frog Chef and Bat Bellhop. Here’s to many more prosperous years!

  42. Gabriela says:

    I loved the Pheasant room!!
    And I love all your games!! <3 <3 <3

  43. Anaïs says:

    Happy birthday, Rusty Lake Hotel! I hope you’re celebrating like Leo Johnson.

    Favourite character Mr. Owl.
    Favourite room 315, The Great Northern Hotel, but Ms. Pheasant room as well.

  44. Mary Ellen Sargero says:

    My favorite room in Rusty Lake Hotel was Ms. Pheasant’s Room. My favorite character is Harvey. Love the games. Happy Birthday!

  45. Shivam Pant says:

    Hi there,
    I am from India. I remember when I first downloaded this game I thought of it as any other puzzle game available on playstore. I started my journey with “Cube escape: The Mill” and I can’t thank you guys enough for creating this remarkable game. What also surprised me was the use of Sanskrit and Hindi words in the game such as Pret, Manush, Pisach, Dev etc. and then using them with such dexterity that it fit the eerie atmosphere and spooky storyline of the game very well. I was fascinated at how people in Netherlands (I read somewhere that Rusty Lake was based in Amsterdam) knew about all these Sanskrit words and concepts of Hindu philosophy. I was totally amazed. And you guys have done a commendable job. I’ll be honest, I was reluctant at the idea of playing games on phone, until I discovered Rusty Lake (And I am so glad that I did!) and today I can proudly say that I have enjoyed the experience playing all the entire 13 Rusty Lake games available on playstore and I am impatiently waiting for the next one to arrive. My favourite ones are The Mill, The Lake, Birthday and Rusty Lake Hotel. My favorite character is Albert Vanderboom. He looks mysterious and the injury on his head makes him scary and frightening at the same time. Besides, him I think all other characters are great in their individual capacity and they together add to the unusual aura of the game.

    • Shivam Pant says:

      Lol, forgive me I forgot to answer the main question. As far as Rusty Lake Hotel is concerned my favourite character was Mr. Rabbit. The fact that his magic tricks later reaults into his death in the game was horrifying.

  46. Rafael says:

    Happy birthday Rusty Lake Hotel!
    I liked the Rabbit puzzles a lot.
    I´m waiting for more adventures like the Cubes…

  47. Kate McManus says:

    Happy Birthday! I have a soft spot for magic tricks, so my favorite room was Mr. Rabbit’s. Here’s to many more years!

  48. Laura Schugel says:

    Hi Rusty Lake! I started with Paradise shortly after it came out, and I became engrossed in the series. My favorite from this game was Mr. Deer, although all of them had such well-crafted stories that I loved. Please keep making more of these games!!

  49. Liv says:

    Omg happy birthday! i only found you guys last year but i have finished all the free apps and i absolutely LOVEEEEED them, i think the storylines are great and how they all connect in some unique way is just amazingly creative! cant wait for the future games!

  50. Taiya says:

    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Rusty Lake Hotel
    Happy Birthday to you

    And may Mr. Toad not turn you into stew.

  51. Taiya says:

    Separate note, my favorite room was Mr. Rabbit. 🙂 I like the use of old school magic tricks.

  52. My favorite room is Mr. Deer and my lovely person is Mr. Owl of course! WOO
    Happy Birthday, my dear friends!

  53. Eva says:

    Happy birthday RLH! And happy nice games and puzzles!
    Character Mrs. Pheasant is my favourite (Room 3, like the 3 years).
    Thanks to all Rusty Lake Hotel Team!

  54. MaRsun says:

    I like Mr. Rabbit’s Room and this charaster. Happy Birthday!)

  55. Justin says:

    Mr. Boar’s room, of course. I enjoy feeding him his own shit. It’s amazing how long a shit eater can live on his own…self. He never dies…until I decide.

  56. Elp says:

    Totally Mr. Rabbit: it’s magic 🙂

  57. Anthea Scicluna says:

    My Favourite is Ms Pheasant, I loved killing her and also enjoyed killing Ms Pigeon because she was torturing her baby. It is my favourite game.

  58. Manav Sharma says:

    I really like the Rabbit’s room: the puzzles in there were really innovative! As for the character I like the most, it’s too hard just to choose one! From this game, I really like Mr. Owl; in the whole game series, however, I would choose Detective Vandermeer or Mr. Crow. Side note: the paradox room was cool 😀

  59. Lode says:

    Mr. Deer has the coolest puzzles. I’m particularly fond of the puzzle with three containers with water.

    Coolest character is Mr. Rabbit. He’s funky.


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